Students with Psychiatric Disabilities

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Implications of Psychiatric Disabilities in the
Postsecondary Education Setting

Psychiatric illnesses can affect individuals of any age, gender, and intellectual group. The onset of these illnesses can occur at any developmental period, but the onset of many types of psychiatric illnesses most commonly occurs between the ages of 18 and 25. This is of critical importance to those of us working in postsecondary education settings since at most institutions the majority of students fall within this age range. A psychiatric illness is considered a "disability" when it results in substantial limitations in a major life activity. It is important to recognize that disruptive behavior is not a defining characteristic of most people with psychiatric disabilities. It also may be helpful to keep the following in mind:

  • The student's symptoms may vary during the semester. A student with a psychiatric disability may begin the semester in good health but may have an episode during the semester. The need for accommodations, therefore, may vary from time to time.

  • The student may have to miss classes occasionally or may have an extended absence.

  • The student may have symptoms that directly affect his or her ability to perform academically. Symptoms that may have a direct impact on learning include: difficulty concentrating, fatigue, memory and recall problems, and drowsiness. These symptoms can be caused by the disability or may be side effects of medications.

  • Psychiatric disabilities are "hidden" disabilities. Psychiatric disabilities have long carried a certain stigma. These disabilities are sometimes misunderstood or perceived in a negative light. Students with these disabilities sometimes express concerns that they will be treated differently or discriminated against once their disability is revealed. These students, therefore, may not request accommodations that would allow them to perform at their full potential.


Disability Issues

Disability Awareness

Disability Law

Teaching Strategies

Putting It All Together

Faculty Resource Council on Disability Model


Printable Resources

About Project PACE

About This CD

Table of Contents