Faculty Resource Council on Disability Model

Survey of Faculty Regarding Student Disability Support

Please print this survey and fill it out. Be sure to completely fill in the circle corresponding to your answer.

  1. Please indicate the college in which you are currently employed. Mark only one.
  2. Please indicate your current faculty rank. Mark only one.
  3. Please indicate your appointment type.
  4. Please indicate your gender.
  5. Where is most of your contact with students? Mark only one.
  6. How many years have you taught at the postsecondary level? Mark only one.
  7. Please indicate whether you have taught students with the following disabilities. Mark all that apply.
  8. Have you had personal or family experience with an individual who has a disability?
  9. Please rate your level of familiarity with the following items or services. Mark only one answer per item.
  10. The admissions process for students with disabilities

    The accommodation process for students with disabilities

    Academic counseling for students with disabilities

    Counseling and Career Planning Office

    Disability Support Services

    Brown v. Board of Education (1954)

    Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

    Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

  11. Please indicate who has the responsibility for the following processes associated with disability support service delivery on your campus. Mark all that apply.
  12. Determining whether the student has a disability

    Deciding on accommodation(s)

    Providing classroom accommodation(s)

    Providing equipment

    Informing the instructor of the student's disability

    Informing the instructor of the necessary accommodation(s)

    Academic advising for students with disabilities

  13. Please indicate how frequently you use the following techniques in the classes you teach (assuming there are no students with disabilities in the class). Mark one answer per item.
  14. Small group activities in the classroom

    Hands-on or interactive activities

    Critical thinking and problem solving

    Student-led discussions

    Student research

    Student writings/journals

    Graded homework assignments

    Handouts of lecture notes

    Copies of overhead transparencies

  15. Please tell us whether you have ever participated in professional development or training regarding disabilities. Mark one answer per item.
  16. Offered by your campus's disability support services office

    Offered by your department, school/college, or unit

    Offered by any other group on or off your campus

  17. If a student with a disability enrolls in your class, which of the following are you most likely to do? Mark one answer per item.
  18. Contact your campus disability support services office for information on accommodations

    Modify my teaching techniques

    Modify my testing techniques

    Attend a workshop on specific accommodations

  19. Please indicate which of the following resources you would be likely to use to learn more about accommodating the needs of students with disabilities. Mark one answer per item.
  20. Directory of services and resources

    Faculty handbook about students with disabilities

    Handbook with specific ideas about teaching students with disabilities in my discipline

    Campus newspaper articles

    Disability support services newsletter

    Guide to adaptive technology

    Guide to making websites accessible

    Organizational flowchart of services

    Workshops by service providers

    Open House by service providers

    Videos Websites

    My department chair

    A faculty mentor


  21. Are the following disabilities considered barriers to working in professions in your discipline? Mark one answer per item.
  22. Visual disability

    Hearing disability

    Mobility disability

    Learning disability

    Medical disability

    Speech disability

    Psychological disability

  23. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements. Mark one answer per item.
  24. The presence of an interpreter for a student with a hearing loss is a distraction in the classroom.

    Practitioners and employers in my discipline actively recruit people with disabilities.

    A greater portion of class time is needed to teach to the needs of students with disabilities.

    Having students with disabilities in the classroom takes away from the quality of education other students receive.

    Additional resources should be allocated to increase the level of support services at the university for students with disabilities.

    Making educational accommodations for students with disabilities, such as allowing a student with a learning disability extended time to take examinations, compromises the integrity of the curriculum.

    People with disabilities have fewer employment opportunities than other adults.

    A classroom's location should be changed to provide accessibility for a student with a disability.

    The form of an exam should be altered if the testing procedure puts a student with a disability at a disadvantage.

    Providing special aids and services for students with disabilities in the classroom is likely to impinge upon the instructor's academic freedom.

    A student with a speech disorder should be given an alternate assignment to presenting an oral report.

    Certain college or departmental requirements should be modified for students with disabilities, such as waiving a music requirement for a deaf student, to ensure equal educational opportunity.

    The instructor should alter his or her teaching style to enhance communication with students with disabilities.

    Students with learning disabilities should be enrolled in a discipline other than mine.

    Providing additional support services for students with disabilities inhibits the development of self-reliance and independence.

  25. Additional comments:



Thank you for your participation.

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